Now you can work out how many days pass between the epoch and Dec 1st and you can work out the mean anomaly. But this change is not quick and can be neglected over short periods of time. To add accuracy you can also use the fact that the orbital period is slowly changing (It is getting shorter as the ISS falls towards Earth due to drag). You may need to reduce this angle to the range 0 to 360. You can now find the mean anomaly at any future time. One orbit is 360 degrees, so in 'n' days the mean anomaly will increase by 15.53998777 × 360 × n That is the number of orbits the satellite makes each day. You also know that the mean motion is 15.53998777. Calculate the eccentricity e of the Earth’s orbit at time T. Calculate the mean anomaly M of the Sun at time T. The orbital elements will tell you the mean anomaly at a particular time (given as "days in the year" In your data, at day 320.81254693 of 2018 (the "epoch") the mean anomaly was 308.7017. So here are exact steps which I will follow to arrive at the solar coordinates for a given moment in time: Calculate the geometric mean longitude L0 of the Sun referred to the mean equinox of the time T. "Mean" here means "average", not "meaning". Like its Pacific counterpart, it is linear and has. Anomaly 5n.2 on the Rivera plate can also be traced for nearly 250 km (Fig. The mean anomaly is just proportional to time. Anomaly 5n.2 on the Pacific plate extends northsouth for nearly 250 km and is remarkably linear the average scatter of the 63 anomaly 5n.2 crossings from their best-fitting great circle is only 1.6 km. So if a satellite takes 100 minutes to orbit and it is perigee at time t=0, then it will be at 90degrees at t=25, 180degrees at t=50. It is zero when the satellite is at perigee. The mean anomaly is much simpler: it just increases linearly with from 0 to 360. The true anomaly changes quickly when the satellite is close to the Earth and slowly when it is far from the Earth. The true anomaly is the actual angle made between the position of the satellite and the perigee.

An anomaly is an angle which can describe the position of the satellite in its orbit. First you should get an idea of what "Anomaly" means.